Determining immigration status in Palm Bay can be a complicated process. Even if you and your family have lived in the United States for many years and have gone through the immigration process before, you may still be unsure of your or any of your family members’ current legal standing.
Our dedicated immigration legal team at Jag Law, PLLC, could help you determine your status. Our compassionate lawyer could help determine what you need to know and what actions you can take to prevent you or your loved ones from being forced to return to your home country.
Different immigration statuses have different rights. You need to understand your immigration status so you do not unknowingly do something that could harm your ability to stay in this country. If you mistakenly attempt something that is not permitted under your current immigration status, you may be removed from the U.S. Additionally, you may not be permitted to re-enter, which can separate you from your family temporarily or even permanently.
In the U.S., your immigration status can have a determining effect on your everyday life. For example, you need to ensure that you correctly identify your immigration status when you fill out important paperwork, such as college and loan applications, or when you try to open a bank account. Because Florida law does not allow undocumented persons to obtain driver’s licenses, you need to be a documented non-citizen to drive in the state. Applying for a Florida state identification card can also be complex. If you make a mistake and wrongfully misstate your immigration status, you may be required to withdraw your application and start over. If you make a mistake and misstate that you are a U.S. citizen for benefits afforded to U.S. citizens, the consequences can be severe.
Depending on your current status, you might be denied the benefit or service that you sought to obtain through your application, such as a driver’s license. Our experienced Palm Bay attorney understands the implications of various immigration statuses and could carefully guide you through the legal process.
Your initial immigration status typically depends on how and when you entered the country. However, you need to be aware that your status can change over time. It is important to stay up to date with the appropriate paperwork to maintain your legal right to live and work in the U.S.
The federal government, through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), recognizes several different statuses, including:
People with different immigration statuses have different rights. Their status can change over time, such as missing critical renewal deadlines or having an expired visa, which may result in unlawful status. Our skilled immigration legal professional in Palm Bay has successfully helped individuals navigate their status and understand its implications.
Determining immigration status in Palm Bay is an important first step in protecting your right to legally remain in this country. Our seasoned local attorney could help you determine your status and take the necessary legal steps to help you stay in the U.S. Contact our legal team at Jag Law, PLLC, for assistance today.