The prospect of deportation is frightening and, for many, anxiety-inducing. It’s overwhelming to think of returning to your country of origin and starting over, separate from your family and friends. However, it is important to remember that certain legal defenses are available to every immigrant to help them avoid removal from the United States.
Jag Law, PLLC, specializes in providing compassionate and skilled representation for individuals facing deportation, including those eligible for Palm Bay humanitarian deportation defenses. Our experienced removal defense attorney could help you navigate the deportation process and work with you to create a defense strategy.
There are a few options for deportation defense that could help an immigrant avoid forcible removal. Here are a few common defenses:
The cancellation of removal option is available to certain legal permanent residents and non-permanent residents who satisfy the eligibility requirements. The applicant might have to prove good moral character, lack of criminal background, strong ties in the U.S., and that family members will suffer hardship in the case of deportation. This defense process requires detailed case preparation.
The asylum defense might be granted to immigrants who are seeking escape from persecution in their home country based on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Many judges and courts may be compassionate in this situation if you prove your case.
TPS is a temporary immigration status granted to eligible people from designated countries. This status might be granted to people who are unable to return home safely due to environmental disaster, war, or some other crisis.
Under the cancellation under the VAWA defense, victims who can successfully show that they have suffered domestic abuse at the hands of a relative might have their deportation canceled. There are typically additional qualifiers in this defense, with the victim proving that they have good moral character or that they aren’t facing any criminal charges.
Deportation isn’t one-size-fits-all. Every case is unique and requires examination by a knowledgeable lawyer. Talk to a Palm Bay attorney about what humanitarian deportation defenses may be best for your situation.
Humanitarian deportation defenses require the skills of a sharp legal professional in Palm Bay. An experienced attorney could assist by reviewing all the details of the case, including the background of the person in question, any applicable criminal proceedings, and how the family of the applicant would be affected by the deportation.
A lawyer could also act as an advocate for the individual facing deportation. They could explain legal jargon and complex terminology, guiding the applicant through the process and ensuring they never feel left behind or forgotten. Deportation is an emotional issue and the right lawyer understands that. An attorney will never stop working on behalf of their client, gathering evidence, formulating a strong strategy, and ensuring that no detail is left to chance.
Deportation proceedings can take anywhere from a few months to over a year. During that time, a lawyer could work to give their client peace of mind, allowing them to focus on family and work rather than on the prospect of starting over in another country.
If you or a loved one is facing deportation, you have options. A Palm Bay humanitarian deportation defense lawyer could evaluate the details of your case and work with you to come up with a strong legal strategy that gives you the best chance of success.
At Jag Law, PLLC, we are proud to be a trusted partner for our clients dealing with deportation issues. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.